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Rights vs Politics – Information Is The Best Medicine for the Injured and “Tort Reform”

Rights vs Politics – Information Is The Best Medicine for the Injured and “Tort Reform”

In the guise of dealing with a financial crisis (apparently created in the first place by slimy politics and the rampant disregard of financial risks by a privileged few),  our elected representatives are presently debating whether they should take from our most vulnerable citizens the right to seek redress for wrongs committed against them.  They do this as a play to enhance their power and position with a classic tactic of political expediency:  pit one group against the other (i.e., divide and conquer).  Whatever your thoughts might be on the question of whether injured people should have politically pre-determined limitations (as opposed to a determination by a judge and jury of our fellow citizens) imposed on their right to recover damages,  the facts and statistics are important.  For information behind the political debate engulfing our rights as injured individuals, please visit:

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