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Suffolk County Personal Injury Blog

14 May 2011

Record Profits for Insurance Carriers While They Seek Higher Premiums

For years, the Insurance Industry and their lobbyists have rallied hard to install the political and legislative mechanisms they insist are necessary to rescue their business in these difficult economic times, and to stem the tide of “frivolous” claims.   In light of those

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04 May 2011

Cost of Litigation a “Red Herring” for those Seeking Reform That Diminishes Our Rights

The empirical facts have long debunked claims by insurance carriers and other interest groups that the rising cost of malprcatice claims is crippling our health care system.  From the New York Times: As an informed citizenry, we should be more careful to whom

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29 Apr 2011

Rights vs Politics – Information Is The Best Medicine for the Injured and “Tort Reform”

In the guise of dealing with a financial crisis (apparently created in the first place by slimy politics and the rampant disregard of financial risks by a privileged few),  our elected representatives are presently debating whether they should take from our most vulnerable citizens the right

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28 Apr 2011

Curbing Rights of Injured Individuals Does Not Save Money

From the Huffington Post, this is a very interesting view on the mistaken information espoused by special interest groups seeking to limit the rights of individuals injured by another’s negiligence:

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26 Apr 2011

Nearly 40 Years: New York No Fault Law Still Limiting Right to Recover

Under New York’s No Fault Threshold Law, originally enacted in the 1970’s, victims of automobile accidents have limited rights to bring claims for injuries or sue the responsible parties.   The law requires a showing of “serious injury” before an injured party

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