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Suffolk County Personal Injury Blog

This is what your insurance company does not want you to know

28 Sep 2011 what your insurance company does not want you to know

Navigating the insurance landscape can be complex and, at times, frustrating. There are several facets of the insurance process that companies may not readily disclose to policyholders. Understanding “what your insurance company does not want you to know” can significantly

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15 Sep 2011

Louisiana Court Finds Limitations on Citizens’ Rights to Recover for Damages Unconstitutional

Despite the never-ending assault by corporate special-interests on the rights of injured individuals, the Court system in our country is often the last vanguard of protection that the average citizen has for seeking remedy when they are injured.  For example,  Louisiana’s

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06 Aug 2011

“Eduring power of being a well-placed friend” in Washington D.C.

Further confirmation in the New York Times that our elected officials are too often uncomfortably cozy with special interest groups that are not necessarily motivated by the “greater public good.”  This phenomenon crosses geographic and party lines.  Congressman Pomeroy (until January, 2011) from North Dakota is a

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13 Jul 2011

Jury System Still the Best Way to Preserve Rights, Justice

Despite the storm of controversy dominating the headlines in recent weeks, Ms. Lithwick puts it all into perspective.  The jury system is still a proper, effective means of protecting our rights, seeking justice and addressing wrongs:

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01 Jul 2011

Our Legal System and Protecting Consumers

Words of wisdom from  Todd A. Smith, President of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America:  Limiting the rights of individuals and juries does not achieve justice or improve our legal system. It never has. It never will. Please read

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